The first recorded residents of the property are Henry H. and Ella Harris, who lived here with their son Herbert in 1880. Henry Harris was born in New York in 1853. The 1880 U.S. Census lists his occupation as a transfer teaming, and his wife Ella was a house keeper. Harris’ wagon team was used to move the house and to landscape the courthouse grounds in 1881
James E. and Estelle Bemus occupied the property from 1883 until 1896. James, born in Michigan in 1848, served as a Justice of the Peace and later worked as the superintendent of buildings and grounds at the University of Colorado. Estelle, born in Perry, NY in 1853, was highly regarded in the community and active in local organizations. She passed away in 1906.
Edwin Baker and his daughters Belle Baker and Marion Sutton lived here from 1896 until 1913. Edwin, born in Vermont in 1817, worked as a sexton and janitor at the Presbyterian Church. Belle, born in Wisconsin in 1866, was a music and vocal teacher. Marion, born in Wisconsin in 1850, was active in community organizations following her husband's death.
Short Term Residents
(c. 1913-1928)
Between 1913 and 1928, the property had various short-term owners and renters, including Thomas and Hettie Stewart, Emma Skewes and her daughter Nellie Vaughn, W.W. Bezona, Woolsey Moses, and Milton Murphy.
Thelma Maydew resided here from 1928 until her passing in 1996. Her parents, David (Hal) Alma Maydew and Alma Worster, purchased the house in 1931. Thelma, born in Riverton, NE in 1904, worked as a clerk and was known for her gardening skills. She passed away in 1996 at the age of 91.